White Noise Insanity

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Archive for the ‘Harriet Miers’ Category

Richard “Dickhead” Fuld of Lehman Brothers wants us to feel sorry for him

Posted by kayinmaine on October 6, 2008

Richard the Dickhead shoving America’s money down his throat as Lehman Brothers sinks….

And here’s what he looks like after he takes $500,000,000 from American taxpayers and investors and is saved…


Okay, get your tissues ready. I’ve got a sad story to tell ya…

Richard “Dickhead” Fuld, Chairman & CEO of Lehman Brothers, wanted us to feel bad for him today when he was at an investigative hearing by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. He wants Americans to know that he didn’t know Lehman Brothers was going bankrupt, even though, he was actively trying to find some capital/liquidity a week before the collapse (one would do that when one knows there is no base/foundation to the ‘house’) and then decided it was a good idea to give millions and millions and millions away to his friends at the top of the company right before the collapse anyways. See? He was in a rut, man! He wants us to know he didn’t know when really he did know! Shame on Americans for not feeling sorry for this man!

Oh, and then….

Dickhead Fuld was reminded while on the stand that he received almost $500 MILLION DOLLARS prior to the collapse of Lehman Brothers. He was astounded by this “500 number” and decided to correct the record to reflect that he only received $310,000,000! Yep, he wants us to feel sorry for him because he ONLY received $310,000,000 instead of $500,000,000, but when the Democrats told him the ‘500 number’ came from the ACTUAL DOCUMENTS HE SUPPLIED TO THEM, he looked a little shellshocked. Yep, the guy who drove the 150 year old company, Lehman Brothers, into the ground…couldn’t believe he had given those papers/documents to the Committee! Oopsie. Let me guess….Mr. Dickhead has like 3 sets of accounting books and mistakenly grabbed the wrong one this morning to show the Committee?


And we wonder why Lehman Brothers went down the toilet! It was being run by a MAFIA-LIKE-CRIMINAL-FASCIST! But don’t you worry, there will be no HOT DOG EATING IN THE FULD FAMILY! No way. Mrs. Fuld is set to make $11,000,000 of her own fortune, so if the Fuld’s ever get in a rut, they have wifey’s measley income to fall back on!

I’ve got an idea! How about we just round up the Bush Regime, the CEO’s of the 26 Wall Street banks that are under investigation by the FBI right now, and all of their supporters (John McCain & Sarah Palin included, of course!) AND PUT THEM IN PRISON, and then ask questions later? Great idea, Kay!

Spit. I’m with Jesus on this one…

Posted in Al-Qaida, Bush Regime Criminal, Corruption, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, Fascist Pig, George Bush, Harriet Miers, John McCain, Lobbyist, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, republican, Republican Sex Scandal, Sarah Palin, Susan Collins, Terrorism, Traitorous, Treason, White House | 4 Comments »