White Noise Insanity

Politicians…don’t piss down our backs and then tell us it’s raining!

Archive for the ‘Neocon’ Category

Here’s what the republican party has boiled down to in 8 short years…

Posted by kayinmaine on November 1, 2008

(picture credit)

Posted in Election 2008, Freaking Hysterical, Neocon, republican | Leave a Comment »

Now the right wingers are going after Barack’s letter to Paulson/Bernanke & the money he’s spent on his campaign!

Posted by kayinmaine on October 30, 2008

I’m sorry, but this is laugh out loud funny. The right wingers (as their party dies as we approach the finish line) are now going after Barack Obama’s letter he wrote to Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke. Apparently, the right wingers are blaming Barack for not doing enough. Some of the wingers, like this one, is asking why Barack Obama didn’t take action in the Senate but instead wrote a letter. Oh please.

First off, ummmmmm, who is the president of the United States and who was when Barack wrote the letter? Whose economy was it back then? Oh that’s right! George Bush’s. How come George Bush didn’t write a letter? Maybe because he didn’t give a shit? Bingo!

Second of all, is the process in passing legislation fast or slow? And what has been the reaction of republicans over the past two years when the Democrats want to pass anything? They either stall it or block it. And who has the final word on the bills to enact into law? George Bush, the president. Would Bush have signed any kind of regulation into law that would have strong-armed Wall Street, the players, and the Federal Reserve? Nope! No way!

Barack Obama wrote an exceptional letter. Did Henry Paulson & Ben Bernanke take his words to heart and then made immediate changes? Nope!

So, really, who is to blame here? As usual, it’s the republicans! Oh yes it is! George Bush, Dick Cheney, and anyone connected to them is a crook, criminal, and a traitor!

And to top it all off, the wingers are now going after Barack’s campaign being the most expensive ever. Well, that may be. As of today, Barack’s run for the presidency has been the most expensive in our history, but who had the title before him? Oh that’s right! George W. Bush! My, my, my, how quickly the wingers forget, but then again, when you’re on the losing side this is the kind of thing you want to forget and not make public. It’s the ole white noise of insanity & hypocrisy we’ve all come to enjoy in the republics!

Posted in Barack Obama, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, George Bush, Hypocrisy, Joe Biden, Neocon, Obama/Biden '08, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics | 24 Comments »

Sarah Palin gives a speech on oil production to an audience of solar panel supporters

Posted by kayinmaine on October 29, 2008

Here’s Sarah Palin driving to the speech and singing this tune, “I’m a little bit oil….and I’m a little bit rock & coal…”:

Ummmmm, does it makes sense to be giving a major speech on oil with a ‘drill baby drill’ kind of enthusiasm by mentioning Alaska/Oil/Pipeline constantly through out the speech, when you’re talking to a group who want alternative energies, such as solar panel technology? Well, that’s exactly was Sarah “me me me and more me” Palin did today! I’m telling you…it was embarrassing to watch. And I did watch the whole thing, mind you. At one point I thought of throwing the tv across the room when she was using her ‘poor me/poor Alaska’ attitude constantly. Oh yes! Poor Little Alaskan Oil Princess just wants Alaska to be the next Saudi Arabia, so she and her King’s men can charge the rest of the 49 U.S. states three times the amount for oil! Isn’t that right, asswipe?

Embarrassing. Ironic. She truly is.

Posted in Dick Cheney, Election 2008, John McCain, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, Sarah Palin | 24 Comments »

US Senator Susan Collins of Maine donated $10,000 to convicted felon Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaksa

Posted by kayinmaine on October 28, 2008

…AND AS NOTED ON COLLINS WATCH, SEN. SUZIE-Q HAS NOT GIVEN TO A DEMOCRAT’S CAMPAIGN THIS YEAR. Hmmmmmm, but I thought ole Suzie-Q was the ‘Bipartisan Queen’? Oh wait. That’s just another lie coming out of Suzie’s mouth to make herself out to be something she’s not in the hopes the neck droolers of Maine won’t notice.

Don’t let Sen. Susan Collins fool ya.

Sen. Susan Collins loves the convicted felons…

She loves the religious wingnuts, such as, Rick “Terry Schiavo is alive even with a liquid brain!” Santorum…

Suzie loves, loves, loves the war criminals (Dick Cheney and George Bush)….


…and don’t forget how much she loves John McCain, you know, the Keating-5/Lincoln Savings & Loan guy who is for deregulating the banks, supporting George Bush no matter what, and who also agrees with Susan that Sarah Palin is the best thing to ever happen to the country…

I would have supplied a picture of Sen. Susan Collins with Sarah Palin from when Palin came to Bangor recently, but for “some reason” there isn’t a picture of the two. Why? Because Sen. Susan Collins was too scared to be there to support Sarah Palin and stayed clear! I guess she didn’t want KayInMaine to post a picture of the two dingbats? Huh. Could be.

Posted in Bush Twins, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, George Bush, Hypocrisy, John McCain, Maine, Michele Bachmann, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, republican, Susan Collins, White House | 13 Comments »

Alaskan U.S. Senator Ted Stevens going to the slammer

Posted by kayinmaine on October 27, 2008

(photo of Ted Stevens and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine talking about having a beer on Ted’s new front porch up there in Alaska, obviously)

Bah hahahahahahaha! We knew the old man had it in him. Guilty on all 7 counts. Yep, at the end of his life we just knew he’d be the type of old guy who just says, ‘fuck it’, and starts breaking the law as if he’s trying to outdo the Palin family in abuses of power and corruption totals!

Speaking of the Palins…

….is anyone in Alaska gonna look into that swanky home the Palins built for free using the outfit who built the sports complex, you know, the sports complex that Sarah Palin as mayor of Wasilla lobbied for to the tune of $23 million? Oh boy. I guess it’s not okay for Sen. Ted Stevens to take gifts and then lie about it, but it’s okay for Caribou Barbie and her family to get their home built through the same kind of fascist type capitalism!

Posted in Bush Twins, Election 2008, Ethics, John McCain, Lobbyist, Neocon, Sarah Palin, Susan Collins | 20 Comments »

Not sure why, but every time I see Cindy McCain on my tv I think of this song…

Posted by kayinmaine on October 27, 2008

Have you seen her lately? She just stands there behind her husband lost in space and eyes glazed over. What the hell is the woman on? I doubt acid or heroin, but come on, what pharmaceutical is making her into a full fledged fascist neocon (without the neck drooling, though, I suspect we’ll see that at some point in the next 8 days)! I’m scared for her.

Posted in Election 2008, John McCain, Neocon, Sarah Palin | 4 Comments »

When your campaign fails….blame the plumber, the housekeeper and the staff for it

Posted by kayinmaine on October 26, 2008

Poor American Taliban (the republican party). They just can’t seem to bring themselves to admit that it wouldn’t matter who they put on the ticket this year, Americans are just fed up with cowboy-fascist-capitalism and are voting for Barack Obama and the Democrats running statewide and locally. Oh, but if you’re Karl Rove and William Kristol, you can’t admit this, but rather, blame the plumber, the housekeeper, the candlestick maker, and the staff instead:

And remember, when you realize John McCain has admitted to voting 90% of the time in favor of George Bush’s economic & foreign policies over the last 8 years, make sure you don’t confuse him with George. Okay?

Posted in Breaking News, Bush Twins, Corruption, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, Fascist Pig, Flip Flop Express, Fox News, Freaking Hysterical, George Bush, Impeachment, John McCain, LIEberman, Michele Bachmann, Monster, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, Propaganda, republican, Republican National Convention, Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Subpoena, Susan Collins, Terrorism, White House | 25 Comments »

Republicans in Texas are desperately trying to steal the election for John McCain!

Posted by kayinmaine on October 25, 2008


Well, of course they are. Diebold is a big right wing supporter who loves George Bush and the American Taliban, so it makes sense that the ‘new and improved’ electronic Diebold voting machines are flipping votes from Democrat to republican and to other parties, because really, how else can the right wing Taliban of America win an election without stealing it? They can’t. America has always been left of center no matter how much the wingnuts try to tell us we’re not.

The American Taliban will stop AT NOTHING to win every year past, present, and future.

John McCain cannot win this year on his voting record (90% in favor of Bush’s economic & foreign policies), can’t run on his own wacked ideologies, and certainly can’t rely on Sarah Palin to get the loonies to gun down Barack Obama to win (though, she’s trying her hardest to!), so it makes sense Diebold is working overtime to get him elected!


I hate the American Taliban. This is a party who is made up of criminals, thieves, and people who hate democracy. The End.

SCREW THE AMERICAN TALIBAN OVER BY VOTING EARLY USING A PAPER BALLOT TO RECORD YOUR VOTE BEFORE ELECTION DAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2008. Call your local town/city hall to find out how to do it. It’s easy to do so do it!!!!

Posted in Election 2008, Election Fraud, Ethics, Fascist Pig, Flip Flop Express, John McCain, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, republican, Sarah Palin, Terrorism, Traitorous, Voting, White House | 24 Comments »

Glenn Beck is okay with militias in America but is scared of Bill Ayers

Posted by kayinmaine on October 23, 2008

(MySpace picture)

This morning on the way to work my ears were bleeding as I listened to the Glenn Beck radio program. He was talking about the Fairness Doctrine and how awful it would be to have liberals on every program to counterbalance his asinine bullshit. Poor thing. Anyways, he went on and on and on about how the Fairness Doctrine was not really fair and he started on this diatribe of fear by basically saying that the liberals were gonna take over the airwaves, our rights as U.S. citizens, and the universe if Barack Obama gets in. Oh the fear was raging this morning!

Then it happened.

A listener called in and asked Glenn Beck point blank if it’s time to start militias in this country to defend our rights as U.S. citizens, because…well…he was getting scared of all the Fairness Doctrine talk. Glenn wasn’t taken aback by this concept of militias, as much as he was of the caller who was giving A REASON for the liberals to go after shows like Beck’s in the future, because it’s that kind of talk (the talk of rising up militarily against the US government by US citizens) that would get Beck’s program and others pulled off the air.

Glenn decided to talk about militias and then talked about how scary it would be if our guns were taken away from us and how the liberals will actively work to do this (what a joke….we just want some regulation, morons! Spit). Oh yes…Glenn sat there in front of his microphone today just spewing the right wing forked tongue bullshit to get his listeners so scared that they all started calling each other to form a militia right then and there!

Militias are good. Ayers is bad, apparently…

Oh, but Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, John McCain, and other neocons have spouted for weeks now about how dangerous Bill Ayers is! Yeah, you know, the Bill Ayers who with others blew up the same statute twice, who tried to blow up the Pentagon (sorry Glenn, but the Pentagon is a small city unto itself…not gonna happen…even a missile on 9/11 couldn’t take the whole thing down!), the Congress (again, kind of laughable compared to a militia), and the only THREE PEOPLE WHO DIED AS A RESULT OF BILL AYERS’ BOMBS…..WERE 3 MEMBERS OF THE WEATHERMEN!

Okay, let me see if I have this straight…the neocons are deathly afraid of Bill Ayers (even today after 40 years), but have no problem casually talking about forming American citizen militias to rise up against the American government within our country’s borders and to also start killing American citizens who are of the opposite political ideology as yourself?

Wow. And to think Bill Ayers was the son of a wealthy industrialist who was pissed off at our pompous government during the Vietnam war, because our government was killing people in a foreign land and not listening to the American people who wanted this crazy occupation and the killings to stop!

The right wing of America has gone batshit crazy! They don’t know this yet…..but even their shit smells too! Holy cow. Can you say…..STUPID MORONIC VIOLENT ANTI-AMERICAN HYPOCRITES?

Glenn Beck can incite violence or form militias to overthrow our government, because he has a national radio program to do it. He reaches more people than Bill Ayers did, who didn’t have a radio program or a television program. Nope. Ayers just had some friends who felt the same way he did.


The next time you hear or read one of the wingnut neocons spouting off about Bill Ayers and how scary he was and is, remember this post. The right wingers want you to be afraid OF THE WRONG PEOPLE. It’s the neocons Americans should be afraid of. Get it?

The End.

And we remember how David Koresh (the Neocon Savior) of the Branch Davidians had his own religious militia…


Posted in Armageddon, Breaking News, Ethics, Fascist Pig, George Bush, Glenn Beck, Hypocrisy, John McCain, Neocon, Politics, Religion, republican, Sarah Palin, Terrorism, Traitorous | 18 Comments »

The neocons of America want you to believe Barack Obama was born in Kenya & is not a U.S. citizen

Posted by kayinmaine on October 23, 2008

Barack Obama and his mother, Anne Dunham, in the early 1960’s…


Have you READ THIS YET? One of the wingnut trolls who is banned from White Noise Insanity at the moment sent a comment today (it went into the spam catcher) containing this garbage. Yep, the wingnuts think Barack Obama is not a U.S. citizen, they believe he was born in Kenya, and because Barack Obama and the DNC did not respond to the lawsuit by Phil Berg (a Hillary Clinton supporter) that asked Barack to produce his birth certificate, therefore, the wingnut neocons are now claiming Barack and the DNC have admitted to all the charges!

Bah hahahahahahaha! Oh gawd this is so funny! Bah hahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ummmmmmm, wingnuts? Let’s do a little question and answer period now that you’ve woken from your delusional slumber. Okay? Are you ready? Here goes…

Q: Is Barack Obama’s mother, Anne Dunham, a U.S. citizen, meaning, was she born in the United States?

A: Yes. She was born in the state of Kansas in the town of Fort Leavenworth (she was an Army brat) of the United States of America in 1942

Q: What country did Anne Dunham give birth to her son, Barack Obama, in the year of 1961?

A: Anne Dunham gave birth to Barack Obama (whose father is named BARACK OBAMA SR., was from Kenya, and who was killed in a car accident in 1982) in Hawaii, which is in the United States and in 1961, Hawaii was a state, so therefore, Anne Dunham gave birth to her son Barack on American soil.

Q: When one is an American citizen mother and one gives birth to a child in the United States of America, is the child of this mother considered an American or is the child considered a resident of the country that the father is from outside the United States?

A: The child is AN AMERICAN CITIZEN.  Case closed.

So, you see wingnuts, Barack Hussein Obama was born to an American citizen on American soil and is a U.S. CITIZEN whether you wingnuts want to believe it or not.

Nice try though! You make us laugh out loud constantly, so please don’t stop with your nonsense! It’s so freaking entertaining!!!! 😆

Posted in Barack Obama, Election 2008, Neocon, Obama/Biden '08, Politics | 69 Comments »