White Noise Insanity

Politicians…don’t piss down our backs and then tell us it’s raining!

Archive for the ‘Impeachment’ Category

So George Bush is illegally bombing Syria now, huh?

Posted by kayinmaine on October 27, 2008

What a war criminal he is. He’s been this way for the past 8 years and I can’t wait for that asshole to get off my television and into some handcuffs! Uh George? Don’t be afraid of the world chasing you and your minions for the rest of your lives, okay? Just submit to your arrest. It will make all your lives a lot easier.

Sen. Susan Collins of Maine smiling with the Fuhrer….

Posted in Bush Twins, George Bush, Impeachment, Israel, Obama/Biden '08, Subpoena, Susan Collins, Traitorous, White House | 15 Comments »

When your campaign fails….blame the plumber, the housekeeper and the staff for it

Posted by kayinmaine on October 26, 2008

Poor American Taliban (the republican party). They just can’t seem to bring themselves to admit that it wouldn’t matter who they put on the ticket this year, Americans are just fed up with cowboy-fascist-capitalism and are voting for Barack Obama and the Democrats running statewide and locally. Oh, but if you’re Karl Rove and William Kristol, you can’t admit this, but rather, blame the plumber, the housekeeper, the candlestick maker, and the staff instead:

And remember, when you realize John McCain has admitted to voting 90% of the time in favor of George Bush’s economic & foreign policies over the last 8 years, make sure you don’t confuse him with George. Okay?

Posted in Breaking News, Bush Twins, Corruption, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, Fascist Pig, Flip Flop Express, Fox News, Freaking Hysterical, George Bush, Impeachment, John McCain, LIEberman, Michele Bachmann, Monster, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, Propaganda, republican, Republican National Convention, Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Subpoena, Susan Collins, Terrorism, White House | 25 Comments »

RUDY GUILIANI: Ronald Reagan was never tested by al-Qaida

Posted by kayinmaine on October 20, 2008

Recently, Joe Biden made the statement that Barack Obama will be tested as the next President, as did John F. Kennedy, and even gave the impression the event will be so huge that we as a country might have to go to war…again.

Here’s part of what Joe Biden said (emphasis mine):

“Mark my words. Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy….The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he’s gonna have to make some really tough – I don’t know what the decision’s gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it’s gonna happen. I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate. And he’s gonna need help.”

Joe Biden went on to add that when this event happens the world is going to find out Barack Obama has a spine of steel.

So today I was taking a break from work sitting in my car listening to the Rush Limbaugh show. He had Rudy Guiliani on today and the two of them were talking about Joe Biden’s comment. At one point, Guiliani made the statement that Ronald Reagan had never been tested.

Here’s the conversation (emphasis mine) from Limbaugh’s site:

GIULIANI: I find the remark very puzzling. And exactly why he did it and what motivated it only Joe Biden can explain. I do know that if he’s predicting that the president he’s supporting is going to somehow motivate an attack on the United States, it would seem to me he’s doing it for a reason. I guess the reason is, the lack of experience that Senator Obama has. I think he went on to say, “Watch, we’re going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis to test the mettle of this guy.”

RUSH: Right.

GIULIANI: Well, I think it would be far better off to have a president that wouldn’t tempt people to want to test his mettle the way Joe Biden is talking about, and it is true that at least history records that that’s what happened with John Kennedy, that Khrushchev tested him and believed that he was flaunting and then went ahead and Cuban missile crisis, other things happened. But that didn’t happen with Ronald Reagan. No one tested John Kerry’s mettle. In fact, they released the hostages as he was being sworn in as president of the United States, if I recall correctly.

RUSH: Mr. Giuliani, do you realize how many times Bill Clinton was tested by Al-Qaeda, starting in 1993 through Mogadishu to the USS Cole, and every time Clinton was tested, he failed, and that’s why they tested Bush on 9/11.


RUSH: And we haven’t been hit since.

Now, why wasn’t Ronald Reagan tested by al-Qaida? I know! Here’s what I think: Because during the Reagan Crazy years, Reagan & George H.W. Bush were busy overseeing the Iran/Contra scandal/death squads throughout those 8 years. Funny how Reagan & Bush Sr. never mentioned al-Qaida from 1980-1992 (Bush Sr. president from 1988-1992), which is so interesting, because those were the years al-Qaida was gaining strength, and it wasn’t until Bill Clinton kicked George H.W. Bush’s ass in the 1992 election that al-Qaida decided to come out of the woodwork to attack the World Trade Centers in 1993…around 30 days after Clinton took office.

Bill Clinton was the first U.S. President to say the words, “al-Qaida”. Yep, he was and isn’t it interesting that Osama bin Laden was the head of this group and it was George H.W. Bush, the bin Laden family, and the Saudi royals who were already in business with each other for years when Bush Sr. was VP and president…but yet….not one mention of this death squad until they bombed the WTCs in 1993 and it was mentioned by Clinton and not Bush Sr.

(Bill Clinton had his FBI track down and arrest all 5 individuals involved. Remember that? Our nation was safe until George Bush took the reins in 2000)

Was Bush Sr. pissed off for losing to Bill Clinton? Could be. Maybe this is why al-Qaida attacked us in 1993.

This is why I think al-Qaida is the base (al-Qaida means, “The Base” or foundation) of the Bush Family and Friends, Inc. And this is why Ronald Reagan was not tested by this death squad!

I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering why al-Qaida tested George W. Bush’s resolve in 2001 aren’t you? Well, I’ll tell you what I think. During the 1990’s there was a group of Reagan Crazies/right wing think tankers calling themselves, the Project for the New American Century, and these assholes (in the current Bush Regime, such as, Dick Cheney) realized they could use al-Qaida in a way to get what they want by allowing them to attack our nation, so they (the American/Halliburton oil maggots) could get back into Iraq to steal this country’s oil (and to use Iraq as their own central front in endless wars in the Middle East)! And they did. They waited for the 11 year anniversary of the New World Order that George H. W. Bush gave on September 11, 1990 and sat back and allowed Americans to die on September 11, 2001.

Here’s George H.W. Bush’s New World Order speech when he was president:

The assholes want to rule the world! Of course they need their own death squad to disrupt world markets or to use so they can benefit financially from endless wars for crying out loud!

See? This is why Ronald Reagan was not tested by this death squad.


I bet Joe Biden knows this too. I bet he knows all about George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumfeld, and the other American Traitors who purposely ignored the warnings an attack was coming to our nation on 9/11/01. I bet Biden knows these asswipes are conspiring right now. Wouldn’t surprise me if the assholes are.

Posted in 9/11/01, Al-Qaida, Anthrax, Armageddon, Barack Obama, Bush Regime Criminal, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, Ethics, Fascist Pig, George Bush, Halliburton, Impeachment, Iran, Iraq, Iraq War, Israel, Joe Biden, John McCain, LIEberman, Neocon, Obama/Biden '08, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, republican, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Subpoena, Terrorism, Traitorous, White House | 6 Comments »

The PPH/Maine Sunday Telegram throws it’s support to George Bush’s biggest supporter: SEN. SUSAN COLLINS!

Posted by kayinmaine on October 13, 2008

Sen. Susan Collins is not fighting for you. Wake up please! She backs Big Business who receive Big Federal Contracts and when you call her office, you don’t get a call back or even her personal cell phone number, because you’re a schmuck and not a corporate whore who has an in with her! Oh yes, I have a cleaning customer who is the president of a large company in Portland who has a direct line to Suzie-Q and she’s available to him whenever he wants her to be. Remember this as you read this post.

Well, here we go! The Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram came out this past weekend in support of Sen. Susan Collins, you know, the Maine US Senator who is a jackboot licker to George Bush & Dick Cheney’s economic & foreign policies, and is about as moderate as Hitler was to the Jews for crying out loud.

The PPH is a failed newspaper, so it’s not surprising to me that they’re throwing their support to Sen. Collins who voted 67-80% in favor of George Bush’s failed economic & foreign policies.  Oh yes, the PPH is fine that she voted for George Bush’s illegal invasion of Iraq (which is costing us $10 BILLION/month), voted in favor of tax cuts for the uber wealthy (the top 5% of America which is @ 16,000 families total), and didn’t supply an ounce of oversight going after the no-bid contracts received by Halliburton, KBR (Kellogg, Brown, & Root)  and others (bilked BILLIONS AND BILLIONS from the American taxpayer), because by doing so, she would have pissed off George Bush & Dick Cheney who were fine with war profiteering! She cares about what they say and not what we Mainahs have to say! See? Whatever George Bush wants, he’ll get. Just ask Suzie-Q who is the Commander Guy’s Commander Girl…

She works hard for him (though she did let up on the jackboot licking over the course of the year, but that’s because SHE’S UP FOR RE-ELECTION! See? The proclaimed TWO-TERM SENATOR is now running for her THIRD TERM. One more lie to chalk up on the very big Lie/Deceit list!).

Why is the Portland Press Herald a failed newspaper? Well, you could say in part it’s because of the Internet where a good portion of Americans are getting their news. But you could also blame the obvious: THE PORTLAND PRESS HERALD AFTER 9/11/01 DECIDED TO BECOME A RIGHT WING NEWSPAPER WHERE WAR PROPAGANDA WAS ALL THE RAGE!

Sen. Susan Collins also gets all gushy over Dick Cheney too…

This is the reason why I’ve not bought a PPH newspaper since 2001, because the PPH took on the Orwellian mantra through their Editor-in-Chief, which was: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. Yep, for years the PPH’s Editor, Jeannine Guttman, would write an op-ed explaining to Mainahs that things were going to change and start looking different in the news we receive. She spent many hours telling Mainahs that war propaganda was good for the soul, the country, and she even went on to explain…if you noticed that what the PPH or the Bush White House was saying was a lie, you should just ignore it, because by doing so means you are a Patriot. Unfreakingbelievable! I’m telling you……….AS A REAL PATRIOT OF THIS COUNTRY I DESPISED GUTTMAN AND THE PPH FOR THEIR BULLSHIT! AND STILL DO! Germany’s Pravda under Hitler would have been proud of Guttman for sure!

Oh yes, and let’s not forget how much the right wingers at the PPH hates the Jews! This also didn’t help their coffers.

It wasn’t only me who has felt this way for years now about the PPH. Many did feel that the PPH had gone insane and they showed their distrust and disgust of the paper by not buying the “Fox News of Maine Newspapers” entirely because of their constant bullshit since 9/11/01. I don’t feel bad either that they’re now in a position where they have to sell their newspaper.

Did I tell you who the PPH is considering selling their newspaper to? You got it! Mike Liberty! Yep, the guy who the SEC filed charges against for FRAUD. Nice, huh? Well, it’s not surprising that the failed Portland Press Herald, which might be owned at some point by a failed/shady businessman…is now supporting the jackboot licking George Bush failure Sen. Susan Collins! It just makes sense!

I’m sure the PPH, Collins, and Liberty will get a Medal of Freedom before Bush leaves office. Seems plausible and we all know Sen. Susan Collins will proudly wear it under her US flag pin!

I’m glad the PPH came out to support Sen. Susan Collins because it shows where REPUBLICANS ARE TODAY.–(Way to go! Your skirt flipped up over your shoulders revealing to us Mainahs once and for all who you really are!)–They will support each other to the death and don’t care about telling anyone the truth along the way! They’re scumbags! Then again, to be a republican means you have to be a scumbag. See? It’s all very simple.

Posted in 9/11/01, Bush Twins, Corruption, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, Election Fraud, Ethics, Fascist Pig, Flip Flop Express, Fox News, George Bush, Government, Halliburton, Hate Crime, Hypocrisy, Hypocritical, Impeachment, Iraq Veterans, Iraq War, Israel, John McCain, LIEberman, Lobbyist, Maine, Monster, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Olympia Snowe, Politics, Propaganda, republican, Republican Sex Scandal, Rove, Sarah Palin, Senate, Subpoena, Susan Collins, Terrorism, Traitorous, Voting, White House | 10 Comments »

BREAKING NEWS: Sarah Palin has ABUSED HER POWER per the Alaskan Legislative Council

Posted by kayinmaine on October 10, 2008

Sarah Palin trying to get out of dodge…

Wow! The report on Troopergate is now out, but no one knows where to find it. LOL I’m serious. If you know where it is, please link it in the comments. Thanks!


And CLICK HERE to read how this person thinks Sarah Palin will bow out of the race in a week or two and will be replaced by…..wait for it….*drumroll*….MIKE HUCKABEE! From bad to worse. 😆

Posted in Breaking News, Election 2008, Ethics, Impeachment, John McCain, Neocon, Politics, Sarah Palin, Subpoena | 39 Comments »