White Noise Insanity

Politicians…don’t piss down our backs and then tell us it’s raining!

Archive for the ‘Monster’ Category

When your campaign fails….blame the plumber, the housekeeper and the staff for it

Posted by kayinmaine on October 26, 2008

Poor American Taliban (the republican party). They just can’t seem to bring themselves to admit that it wouldn’t matter who they put on the ticket this year, Americans are just fed up with cowboy-fascist-capitalism and are voting for Barack Obama and the Democrats running statewide and locally. Oh, but if you’re Karl Rove and William Kristol, you can’t admit this, but rather, blame the plumber, the housekeeper, the candlestick maker, and the staff instead:

And remember, when you realize John McCain has admitted to voting 90% of the time in favor of George Bush’s economic & foreign policies over the last 8 years, make sure you don’t confuse him with George. Okay?

Posted in Breaking News, Bush Twins, Corruption, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, Fascist Pig, Flip Flop Express, Fox News, Freaking Hysterical, George Bush, Impeachment, John McCain, LIEberman, Michele Bachmann, Monster, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, Propaganda, republican, Republican National Convention, Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Subpoena, Susan Collins, Terrorism, White House | 25 Comments »

U.S. Sen. Susan Collins is in line with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann statement against liberals, but is against McCain robo-calling in Maine

Posted by kayinmaine on October 18, 2008

Sen. Susan Collins of Maine has issued a statement that she does not agree with the McCain campaign with the robo-calling they’ve been doing here spreading anti-Obama messages. Oh, but she does in her own little way agree with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s comments that liberals in Congress should be investigated in a Hitler-like fascism fashion. She would deny this though because right now Suzie-Q is hoping Mainers really do believe TOM ALLEN IS A MAFIA MOB BOSS!

(anyone who is against Unions in this country but are for sending American jobs overseas to people who don’t speak English are the REAL AMERICA-HATERS! Right, Suzie?)

Sen. Susan Collins wants you to believe that she would never stoop to robo-calling, because really, in her mind she believes she is a moderate and is better than this kind of thing, but yet, she’s done attack ad after attack ad against Tom Allen for months now and when Allen does an ad pointing out the truth of Collins’ voting record, Collins cries fowl! Spit. Can’t be a moderate when you’ve been voting for George Bush’s economic & foreign/domestic policies 55-80% of the time over the past 8 years! Oh, but apparently this is illegal to point out according to the Collins Mafia in Maine!

Interesting, because for the past 8 years Sen. Susan Collins has EMBRACED GEORGE BUSHITLER’S POLICIES and never spoke out when Americans were locked in cages 2 miles from where George Bush was standing giving a speech (and it’s still happening too!). Collins never once said it was anti-American to spy on American’s phone calls well before 9/11/01 as George did, and she never said it was anti-American to FIRE PEOPLE FROM THEIR JOBS FOR SPEAKING OUT AGAINST GEORGE BUSH. And what about recently when I spoke my mind on my blog about her affair with a married man in Tennessee whose wife had Alzheimer’s? Huh? Was it okay for her anti-American staff to redirect the link to that post in 2 different “Susan Collins Google Alerts” within 12-24 hours of it being posted, loading one of the links with a TROJAN that ended up infecting my computer, making it inoperable, and completely crashed my hard drive? Huh? SEN. SUSAN COLLINS IS ANTI-AMERICAN AND IS IN LINE WITH MICHELLE BACHMANN WHETHER SHE WANTS TO ADMIT IT OR NOT!

Susan Collins “always” tells the truth! She’s swears! Girl Scouts honor! Oh wait….


(that must be a secret code used only by Collins Mafia personnel? Huh. Could be)

And let’s not forget how Collins’ Mafia underling, Lance Dutson, went after those ‘foul-mouthed fem bloggers’ and how he strong armed Google for not allowing him to use Moveon.org’s name in attack ads on his website to attack Moveon.org!

Moveon.org & Google ended up backing down, but that’s because they were up against the Collins Mafia of Maine! That’s right. It could have gotten real ugly. I wonder how many funerals would have come out of it? Huh. We’ll never know now.

I’m telling ya….THE WHOLE ENTIRE COLLINS CAMPAIGN HERE IN MAINE IS ANTI-AMERICAN! No free speech for anyone unless you’re in their Mafia Family! See? This attitude hasn’t changed since 1996 either. Trust me on this. Collins will play dirty, smile to herself, but will then hold a press conference to try to get everyone to feel sorry for her, because apparently she’s the victim in all of this! Oh please. What an ass.

Posted in 9/11/01, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, Election Fraud, Ethics, Fascist Pig, Fox News, George Bush, Hypocrisy, John McCain, liberal, LIEberman, Maine, Monster, Moveon.org, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, Propaganda, Protest, republican, Republican Sex Scandal, Sarah Palin, Senate, Subpoena, Susan Collins, Terrorism, Tom Allen, Traitorous, White House | 23 Comments »

The PPH/Maine Sunday Telegram throws it’s support to George Bush’s biggest supporter: SEN. SUSAN COLLINS!

Posted by kayinmaine on October 13, 2008

Sen. Susan Collins is not fighting for you. Wake up please! She backs Big Business who receive Big Federal Contracts and when you call her office, you don’t get a call back or even her personal cell phone number, because you’re a schmuck and not a corporate whore who has an in with her! Oh yes, I have a cleaning customer who is the president of a large company in Portland who has a direct line to Suzie-Q and she’s available to him whenever he wants her to be. Remember this as you read this post.

Well, here we go! The Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram came out this past weekend in support of Sen. Susan Collins, you know, the Maine US Senator who is a jackboot licker to George Bush & Dick Cheney’s economic & foreign policies, and is about as moderate as Hitler was to the Jews for crying out loud.

The PPH is a failed newspaper, so it’s not surprising to me that they’re throwing their support to Sen. Collins who voted 67-80% in favor of George Bush’s failed economic & foreign policies.  Oh yes, the PPH is fine that she voted for George Bush’s illegal invasion of Iraq (which is costing us $10 BILLION/month), voted in favor of tax cuts for the uber wealthy (the top 5% of America which is @ 16,000 families total), and didn’t supply an ounce of oversight going after the no-bid contracts received by Halliburton, KBR (Kellogg, Brown, & Root)  and others (bilked BILLIONS AND BILLIONS from the American taxpayer), because by doing so, she would have pissed off George Bush & Dick Cheney who were fine with war profiteering! She cares about what they say and not what we Mainahs have to say! See? Whatever George Bush wants, he’ll get. Just ask Suzie-Q who is the Commander Guy’s Commander Girl…

She works hard for him (though she did let up on the jackboot licking over the course of the year, but that’s because SHE’S UP FOR RE-ELECTION! See? The proclaimed TWO-TERM SENATOR is now running for her THIRD TERM. One more lie to chalk up on the very big Lie/Deceit list!).

Why is the Portland Press Herald a failed newspaper? Well, you could say in part it’s because of the Internet where a good portion of Americans are getting their news. But you could also blame the obvious: THE PORTLAND PRESS HERALD AFTER 9/11/01 DECIDED TO BECOME A RIGHT WING NEWSPAPER WHERE WAR PROPAGANDA WAS ALL THE RAGE!

Sen. Susan Collins also gets all gushy over Dick Cheney too…

This is the reason why I’ve not bought a PPH newspaper since 2001, because the PPH took on the Orwellian mantra through their Editor-in-Chief, which was: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. Yep, for years the PPH’s Editor, Jeannine Guttman, would write an op-ed explaining to Mainahs that things were going to change and start looking different in the news we receive. She spent many hours telling Mainahs that war propaganda was good for the soul, the country, and she even went on to explain…if you noticed that what the PPH or the Bush White House was saying was a lie, you should just ignore it, because by doing so means you are a Patriot. Unfreakingbelievable! I’m telling you……….AS A REAL PATRIOT OF THIS COUNTRY I DESPISED GUTTMAN AND THE PPH FOR THEIR BULLSHIT! AND STILL DO! Germany’s Pravda under Hitler would have been proud of Guttman for sure!

Oh yes, and let’s not forget how much the right wingers at the PPH hates the Jews! This also didn’t help their coffers.

It wasn’t only me who has felt this way for years now about the PPH. Many did feel that the PPH had gone insane and they showed their distrust and disgust of the paper by not buying the “Fox News of Maine Newspapers” entirely because of their constant bullshit since 9/11/01. I don’t feel bad either that they’re now in a position where they have to sell their newspaper.

Did I tell you who the PPH is considering selling their newspaper to? You got it! Mike Liberty! Yep, the guy who the SEC filed charges against for FRAUD. Nice, huh? Well, it’s not surprising that the failed Portland Press Herald, which might be owned at some point by a failed/shady businessman…is now supporting the jackboot licking George Bush failure Sen. Susan Collins! It just makes sense!

I’m sure the PPH, Collins, and Liberty will get a Medal of Freedom before Bush leaves office. Seems plausible and we all know Sen. Susan Collins will proudly wear it under her US flag pin!

I’m glad the PPH came out to support Sen. Susan Collins because it shows where REPUBLICANS ARE TODAY.–(Way to go! Your skirt flipped up over your shoulders revealing to us Mainahs once and for all who you really are!)–They will support each other to the death and don’t care about telling anyone the truth along the way! They’re scumbags! Then again, to be a republican means you have to be a scumbag. See? It’s all very simple.

Posted in 9/11/01, Bush Twins, Corruption, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, Election Fraud, Ethics, Fascist Pig, Flip Flop Express, Fox News, George Bush, Government, Halliburton, Hate Crime, Hypocrisy, Hypocritical, Impeachment, Iraq Veterans, Iraq War, Israel, John McCain, LIEberman, Lobbyist, Maine, Monster, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Olympia Snowe, Politics, Propaganda, republican, Republican Sex Scandal, Rove, Sarah Palin, Senate, Subpoena, Susan Collins, Terrorism, Traitorous, Voting, White House | 10 Comments »

Meanwhile, George Bush will veto extending UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS after having HIS Wall Street bailed out

Posted by kayinmaine on October 8, 2008

You just knew the fascist Pig would do this! Oh yes, after the House of Representatives voted in favor of screwing average Americans over to bailout George Bush’s friends on Wall Street, the House right after did a vote on extending UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS starting early next year. Well, it passed overwhelmingly (I watched it on C-SPAN as it happened) by both republicans & Democrats. Well, George Bush is now saying if this bill passes both Houses and ends up on his desk, HE’S GOING TO VETO IT.

What a fucking asshole! Now, you would think ole Georgie would sign the bill, because after getting $850 billion in bailout money that he and his Pigs on Wall Street said they needed, would result in lots of jobs and unemployment would go down! Nope! THEY ALL FUCKING LIED TO US AGAIN. As usual.

I’m still feeling the same way Jesus is about George Bush, the American Taliban (the republic Party), and all their friends and family members….

Posted in Dick Cheney, Ethics, Fascist Pig, George Bush, Hate Crime, Integrity, John McCain, Monster, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, Sarah Palin, Traitorous, White House | 13 Comments »

Suicide across America will be the result of George Bush’s failed economic policies

Posted by kayinmaine on October 7, 2008

(picture credit)

For some reason I have Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood theme song going through my head after reading THIS ARTICLE this morning. A commenter on FDL posted it and almost instantly I started singing this in my head…

“It’s a beautiful day in Bush’s neighborhood…a beautiful day in Bush’s neighborhood…would you kill me…or my family…”

Hey, suicide will be the answer and as pointed out in the article above, one man decided to kill his wife, his 3 sons, and his mother-in-law before killing himself, because he just didn’t see much use in going forward at this time. Nice, huh? After 8 years of George Bush telling us he’s protected us and then told us killing people overseas was crucial, now we have Americans blowing the heads off their family and then themselves, so who the hell is going to protect these Americans from this kind of domestic terrorism? Huh? Who!!?????!!!! It won’t be George Bush’s economic policies; that’s for sure! Spit. I hate him.

Posted in Dick Cheney, Fascist Pig, George Bush, John McCain, Monster, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, republican, Sarah Palin, Terrorism, Traitorous, Treason, White House | 5 Comments »

Is Sarah Palin trying to get Barack Obama assassinated on behalf of the KKK?

Posted by kayinmaine on October 7, 2008


(By the way, the above photo is photoshopped if you hadn’t noticed. CLICK HERE FOR THE ORIGINAL.)

It appears Sarah Palin is trying to get Barack Obama assassinated. Just the other day I did THIS POST questioning if Sarah Palin was the proverbial pretty white woman who yells, “That man raped me!!!”, in a crowd of white men to get them to kill or beat up the black man. Well, I seem to be onto something and it isn’t pretty. Sarah Palin has reared her ugly head and on it reads, “KKK OR BUST”.

From the Washington Post (emphasis mine) where Sarah Palin is rallying the crowd and spreading lies & deceits against Barack Obama:

“I was reading my copy of the New York Times the other day,” she said.

“Booooo!” replied the crowd.

“I knew you guys would react that way, okay,” she continued. “So I was reading the New York Times and I was really interested to read about Barack’s friends from Chicago.”

It was time to revive the allegation, made over the weekend, that Obama “pals around” with terrorists, in this case Bill Ayers, late of the Weather Underground. Many independent observers say Palin’s allegations are a stretch; Obama served on a Chicago charitable board with Ayers, now an education professor, and has condemned his past activities.

“Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers,” Palin said.

“Boooo!” said the crowd.

“And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, ‘launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,'” she continued.

“Boooo!” the crowd repeated.

“Kill him!” proposed one man in the audience.

Why would Sarah Palin ignore “Kill him!” when yelled? Does this mean she agrees Barack Obama should be killed? Seems so, I mean really, if you’re running on a campaign ticket on the idea that you’re the ‘moral/values’ ticket, don’t you think she would have turned to that man and said, “Sir. That was uncalled for. Please don’t say it again”. Well, she didn’t! She let it fly with a slight smile on her face.

Sarah Palin is truly the lipstick wearing wolf in sheep’s clothing. Or maybe she’s…..how do I say it?….the anti-Christ? Hey, could be! There is lots of evil & deceit coming out of this pretty lady so it wouldn’t surprise me if she is!

Maybe the KKK is the one who pushed John McCain to pick her and they threatened to kill McCain’s black child if he didn’t? Hey, could be. Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to the right wingers of the American Taliban.


Sarah Palin doesn’t know it yet, but she’s the face of DOMESTIC TERRORISM at the moment. Spit. Yep, she’s the face of the KKK.


Posted in Al-Qaida, Breaking News, Election 2008, John McCain, Monster, Neocon, Religion, republican, Sarah Palin, Terrorism | 43 Comments »

Is Sarah Palin the white woman who yells, “That black man raped me!”, in a crowd to get the whites to kill the black man?

Posted by kayinmaine on October 6, 2008

Yep. She is this kind of person and she knows the base of the republic Party is not educated enough to separate the truth from lies. When the pretty white woman says Barack Obama is chuming around with terrorists, she knows The Base (don’t confuse them with al-Qaida) won’t research it and will just accept what she says as true!

How many black men has Sarah Palin been responsible for who died after she screamed a lie? Huh. I don’t know but I would like to know. She’s currently defending herself FOR CLAIMING RAPE WHEN NO RAPE OCCURRED.

Hey, if Sarah wants to play this game then she will have to prepare herself for questions about her own ties to groups who HATE AMERICA. Because for all we know, this could be Todd Palin under this mask….

WOULD SOMEONE PROVE TO ME THIS IS NOT TODD PALIN UNDER THIS MASK? And I don’t want to hear, “But Kay! That writing isn’t American! Of course it’s not Todd”. Because this is what the terrorists are good at: DECEIVING, DISTORTING, AND MANIPULATING by using symbols to throw everyone off!

Posted in Barack Obama, Bush Twins, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, Fascist Pig, Flip Flop Express, George Bush, John McCain, Monster, Neocon, Obama/Biden '08, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, republican, Sarah Palin, Terrorism, Traitorous, White House | 43 Comments »