White Noise Insanity

Politicians…don’t piss down our backs and then tell us it’s raining!

Archive for the ‘Michele Bachmann’ Category

US Senator Susan Collins of Maine donated $10,000 to convicted felon Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaksa

Posted by kayinmaine on October 28, 2008

…AND AS NOTED ON COLLINS WATCH, SEN. SUZIE-Q HAS NOT GIVEN TO A DEMOCRAT’S CAMPAIGN THIS YEAR. Hmmmmmm, but I thought ole Suzie-Q was the ‘Bipartisan Queen’? Oh wait. That’s just another lie coming out of Suzie’s mouth to make herself out to be something she’s not in the hopes the neck droolers of Maine won’t notice.

Don’t let Sen. Susan Collins fool ya.

Sen. Susan Collins loves the convicted felons…

She loves the religious wingnuts, such as, Rick “Terry Schiavo is alive even with a liquid brain!” Santorum…

Suzie loves, loves, loves the war criminals (Dick Cheney and George Bush)….


…and don’t forget how much she loves John McCain, you know, the Keating-5/Lincoln Savings & Loan guy who is for deregulating the banks, supporting George Bush no matter what, and who also agrees with Susan that Sarah Palin is the best thing to ever happen to the country…

I would have supplied a picture of Sen. Susan Collins with Sarah Palin from when Palin came to Bangor recently, but for “some reason” there isn’t a picture of the two. Why? Because Sen. Susan Collins was too scared to be there to support Sarah Palin and stayed clear! I guess she didn’t want KayInMaine to post a picture of the two dingbats? Huh. Could be.

Posted in Bush Twins, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, George Bush, Hypocrisy, John McCain, Maine, Michele Bachmann, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, republican, Susan Collins, White House | 13 Comments »

When your campaign fails….blame the plumber, the housekeeper and the staff for it

Posted by kayinmaine on October 26, 2008

Poor American Taliban (the republican party). They just can’t seem to bring themselves to admit that it wouldn’t matter who they put on the ticket this year, Americans are just fed up with cowboy-fascist-capitalism and are voting for Barack Obama and the Democrats running statewide and locally. Oh, but if you’re Karl Rove and William Kristol, you can’t admit this, but rather, blame the plumber, the housekeeper, the candlestick maker, and the staff instead:

And remember, when you realize John McCain has admitted to voting 90% of the time in favor of George Bush’s economic & foreign policies over the last 8 years, make sure you don’t confuse him with George. Okay?

Posted in Breaking News, Bush Twins, Corruption, Dick Cheney, Election 2008, Fascist Pig, Flip Flop Express, Fox News, Freaking Hysterical, George Bush, Impeachment, John McCain, LIEberman, Michele Bachmann, Monster, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Politics, Propaganda, republican, Republican National Convention, Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Subpoena, Susan Collins, Terrorism, White House | 25 Comments »

Al-Qaida backs John McCain for the presidency

Posted by kayinmaine on October 22, 2008

Al-Qaida annouced today that John McCain is supported for the presidency by this group.

And so did the KKK. Apparently, THIS IS THE VIDEO. Anyone think this might be just another CIA created video to fool the masses? Or is it very possible, John McCain, who/is was part of the Project for the New American Century, really is the guy The Base of the Bush Family & Friends, Inc. and the KKK want? You decide.

And then there was that GOP Congressman who was helping al-Qaida/da terrorists….

I’m sorry, but this whole thing is laugh-out-loud funny, because it seems to me al-Qaida is really just The Base and the voice of the Bush Regime/Family/Friends to tell Americans what it is that they want. In other words, they’re duping us again. And they’ve created a website. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, how cute.

First off, doesn’t it seem a little weird to you that these al-Qaida sites are password protected? You’d think al-Qaida would want the whole world to read what they’re saying, because according to George Bush, al-Qaida wants Muslims to take over the world, so wouldn’t it make sense to not having a password protected site? Seems a little…..shall I say….strange & weird? I mean, really, if George Bush wants the world to know something, he doesn’t go down in the basement of the White House and into a closet to scream it, now does he? Having a password protected site means only those who have been invited to participate and who have been given the password can enter the site to participate in it.

Oh boy.

And isn’t it weird that most of the al-Qaida sites have been shut down since 9/11, but the one that remains online and active is a site called, ‘al-Hesbah’, which “might” be run/overseen by the Saudi government to get jihadists by fooling them into thinking it’s a real site, when really it’s not? You know, as John Kerry would say, “holding the carrot in front of the rabbit” (or something like that LOL).

I thought it was hysterical to read in the following paragraphs that al-Qaida has a ‘slick media production arm’ and they have ‘members only’ forums too (emphasis mine):

Yet suspicions of a deliberate disruption campaign have been fuelled by the fact that a fourth website, al-Hesbah, continues to operate unimpeded, with several experts suggesting it may be being used by Saudi intelligence to monitor and entrap jihadi militants.

But the episode remains shrouded in mystery. All four sites posted material produced by as-Sahhab, al-Qaida’s slick media production arm – mostly video clips of “martyrdom operations” in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere – as well as statements by Osama bin Laden and his Egyptian deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Access to the sites is typically password-protected and they have different levels of entry: the most public are statements issued by al-Qaida-linked groups as far afield as Uzbekistan and Algeria. There are also member-only forums where participants use pseudonyms.

All are monitored by academics who study jihadi groups and presumably by Arab and western intelligence agencies.

What if this site was really run by our CIA and this is where all those CIA-created audios of Osama bin Laden talking with an old picture of him on the screen? Hey, could be. Seems more likely. I doubt the Saudi royals give two shits about the jihadists, because really….15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and the Saudis would be fine if America was blown to smithereens!


Did you know ‘al-Hesbah’ (there’s something weird about that name? What does it sound like?) is an ‘.org’? LOL Yep! They’re an .org (I wouldn’t click on it just incase Big Brother Al-Qaida Bush is watching), which means, they can write off this site on their taxes. 😆  And isn’t it “strange” that ABC News advertises on it’s front page? I’m thinking back to their docudrama called, The Path to 9/11, that basically blamed Bill Clinton for 9/11. Yep, after working 9 months on the job, George Bush was not at fault for 9/11 at all. *rolling eyes* (I think MSNBC & CNN were thrown on this site to make it look good…notice how Fox News is not listed…seems like a right wing thing to do to leave out Fox, now doesn’t it? Yep.)

As usual, something doesn’t seem right about al-Qaida. Seems to me like it spends it’s days helping out the American Taliban (the republic party here in America), doesn’t it to you?

Posted in 9/11/01, Al-Qaida, Bush Twins, Election 2008, George Bush, John McCain, Michele Bachmann, Neocon, Oil Industry Traitors, Osama, Politics, Propaganda, republican, Sarah Palin, Susan Collins, Terrorism, White House | 9 Comments »

Look who showed up to support Barack Obama in St. Louis yesterday…

Posted by kayinmaine on October 19, 2008

100,000 people! (I purposely used a Fox News link so you could check out the comments!)


And look who showed up to say ‘thanks!’ to Rep. Michele Bachmann after she made the statement that members of Congress should be investigated to find out whether they’re pro-American or anti-American. He even said to Michele, “Michele, you have every right to focus on one group of Americans to start the process of eliminating them because they don’t agree with your political views! Heil Michele-itler! *clicking jackboots together*“…

Posted in Barack Obama, Election 2008, Fascist Pig, Fox News, Joe Biden, Michele Bachmann, Neocon, Obama/Biden '08, Politics, Sarah Palin, Susan Collins, White House | 6 Comments »